

Professor Aronheim Ami
Email: deanmedicine@technion.ac.il
Tel:  972-4-8295200

Senior Vice Dean

Professor Pillar Giora
Email: gpillar@technion.ac.il

Vice Dean for Research

Associate Professor Kehat Izhak
Email: ikehat@technion.ac.il

Vice Dean for Clinical Appointments

Professor Zohar Kedar
Email: kedar@technion.ac.il

Vice Dean for Education

Pre-clinical Years: Professor Ben-Yosef Tamar
Email: benyosef@technion.ac.il

Clinical Years: Clinical Associate Professor Karban Amir
Email: a_karban@rambam.health.gov.il

Vice Dean for Strategic Development

Clinical: Professor Yaron Har-Shai
Email: yaron07@yahoo.com

Vice  Dean for Entrepreneurship and Medical Innovation

Clinical Associate: Professor Rozen Nimrod
Email: dr_rozen@technion.ac.il

Faculty Council Chair

Professor Gutfreund Yoram
Email: yoramg@technion.ac.il

Director of the Technion American Medical School Program

Professor Abassi Zaid
Email: abassi@technion.ac.il

Head of the Cancer Center TICC

Professor Amir Orian
Email: mdoryan@technion.ac.il

Head of the Dean’s Office

Ms. Lily Levi
Tel:  972-4-8295200
Fax: 972-4-8517008
Email: lilil@technion.ac.il

Head of Faculty Administration

Nof- Steiner Noa
Email: noan@technion.ac.il
Tel: 972-4-8295300