NAME: Naama Geva-Zatorsky, PhD |
POSITION TITLE: Assistant Professor in Microbiota-Host Interactions research, Technion |
Tel-Aviv University, Israel |
B.Sc. |
2002 |
Chemistry-Biology |
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
M.Sc. |
2005 |
Systems-Biology |
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
Ph.D. |
2011 |
Systems-Biology |
Harvard University, Boston, USA |
Postdoctoral |
2017 |
Microbiology,Immunology |
Selected Awards and Honors:
Johnson&Johnson WiSTEM2D (2019-20), HFSP Career Deelopment Award (2019-21), CIFAR Global Scholar, Humans&Microbiome Program (2018-20); The Alon Fellowoship and Horev fellowship, for young PIs (2017-20).The national and international UNESCO-L’Oreal award (2011,2012, 2014), Human Frontiers fellowship (2012), EMBO fellowship (2011), Fulbright scholarship (2011), John F. Kennedy Prize (2010), Teva Prize and Barenholz prize (2009), for academic excellence, BioAbroad – Israeli American Council Award for Scientific Excellence and Community Leadership, Dean’s list of excellence for B.Sc. of the Tel-Aviv University (2002), Amos-De-Shalit Scholarship for research – summer workshop at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Emma and Oscar Getz Summer Science Scholarship, Weizmann Instititue of Science (2001).
Selected Active Grants:
ISF 1571/17, ICRF-Acceleration – 1016142, CIFAR/Azrieli, Seerave Foundation, ICRF acceleration grant, Milgrom Foundation 45862, GIF I-1076-416.6-2017, Seerave Foundation, MOST 3-15516 / 78566, Kenneth Rainin Synergy Grant (Co-PIs Profs. Jeffrey, Maurice, King)
Selected publications:
- Berkowitz, Eran MD; Kopelman, Yael MD; Kadosh, Dana BSc; Carasso, Shaqed BSc; Tiosano, Beatrice MD; Kesler, Anat MD; Geva-Zatorsky, Naama PhD, July 13, 2021, “More Guts Than Brains?”–The Role of Gut Microbiota in Idiopathic Intracranial HypertensionJournal of Neuro-Opthalmology
- Shaqed Carasso, Bettina Fishman, Liel Stelmach Lask, Tamar Shochat, Naama Geva-Zatoursky, Eran Tauber, April 14, 2021, Metagenomic analysis reveals the signature of gut microbiota associated with human chronotypesPreprint at bioRxiv
- Shelly Kalaora, Adi Nagler, Deborah Nejman, Michal Alon, Chaya Barbolin, Eilon Barnea, Steven L. C. Ketelaars, Kuoyuan Cheng, Kevin Vervier, Noam Shental, Yuval Bussi, Ron Rotkopf, Ronen Levy, Gil Benedek, Sophie Trabish, Tali Dadosh, Smadar Levin-Zaidman, Leore T. Geller, Kun Wang, Polina Greenberg, Gal Yagel, Aviyah Peri, Garold Fuks, Neerupma Bhardwaj, Alexandre Reuben, Leandro Hermida, Sarah B. Johnson, Jessica R. Galloway-Peña, William C. Shropshire, Chantale Bernatchez, Cara Haymaker, Reetakshi Arora, Lior Roitman, Raya Eilam, Adina Weinberger, Maya Lotan-Pompan, Michal Lotem, Arie Admon, Yishai Levin, Trevor D. Lawley, David J. Adams, Mitchell P. Levesque, Michal J. Besser, Jacob Schachter, Ofra Golani, Eran Segal, Naama Geva-Zatorsky, Eytan Ruppin, Pia Kvistborg, Scott N. Peterson, Jennifer A. Wargo, Ravid Straussman & Yardena Samuels, March 17, 2021, Identification of bacteria-derived HLA-bound peptides in melanomaNature
- B Brett Finlay, Katherine R Amato, Meghan Azad, Martin J Blaser, Thomas C G Bosch, Hiutung Chu, Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello, Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich, Eran Elinav, Naama Geva-Zatorsky, Philippe Gros, Karen Guillemin 2 14, Frédéric Keck 2 15 16, Tal Korem, Margaret J McFall-Ngai, Melissa K Melby, Mark Nichter, Sven Pettersson, Hendrik Poinar, Tobias Rees, Carolina Tropini, Liping Zhao, Tamara Giles-Vernick, February 9, 2021, The hygiene hypothesis, the COVID pandemic, and consequences for the human microbiomePNAS
- Haitham Hajjo, Naama Geva‐Zatorsky,February 11, 2021, Strain‐level immunomodulatory variation of gut bacteria FEBS Letters
- Rawi Naddaf*, Nadav Ben-Assa*, Tal Gefen, Tal Capucha, Haitham Hajjo, Noa Mandelbaum, Lilach Elbaum, Shai Kaplan, Assaf Rotem, Michal Chowers, Moran SzwarcwortCohen, Mical Paul and Naama Geva-Zatorsky,October 20, 2020, A Protocol for Simple, Rapid, and Direct Detection of SARS-CoV-2 from clinical samples, using Reverse Transcribed Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) Bio-protocol
- Nadav Ben-Assa, Michael J Coyne, Alexey Fomenkov, Jonathan Livny, William P Robins, Maite Muniesa, Vincent Carey, Shaqed Carasso, Tal Gefen, Juan Jofre, Richard J Roberts, Laurie E Comstock, Naama Geva-Zatorsky, October 12, 2020 Analysis of a phase-variable restriction modification system of the human gut symbiont Bacteroides fragilis. Nucleic Acids Research
- Shaqed Carasso, Haitham Hajjo, and Naama Geva-Zatorsky, September 9, 2020, Phage-Bacteria Associations: Analyze. Match. Develop Therapies.Preview, Cell Host & Microbe
- Nadav Ben-Assa*, Rawi Naddaf*, Tal Gefen, Tal Capucha, Haitham Hajjo, Noa Mandelbaum, Lilach Elbaum, Peter Rogov, Daniel A King, Shai Kaplan, Assaf Rotem, Michal Chowers, Moran Szwarcwort-Cohen, Mical Paul, Naama Geva-Zatorsky, August 1, 2020, Direct on-the-spot detection of SARS-CoV-2 in patientsExperimental Biology and Medicine
- Haggai Bar-Yoseph*, Shaqed Carasso*, Shlomit Shklar, Alexander Korytny, Razi Even Dar, Haneen Daoud, Roni Nassar, Nitsan Maharshak, Khetam Hussein, Yuval Geffen, Yehuda Chowers, Naama Geva-Zatorsky, Mical Paul, June 9, 2020, Oral capsulized Fecal microbiota transplantation for eradication of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceaecolonization with a metagenomic perspective. Clinical Infectious Diseases
- Hajjo Haitham, Naama Geva-Zatorsky, June 2020 Gut microbiota – host interactions now also brain-immune axisCurrent Opinion in Neurobiology
- Noa Mandelbaum, Tal Gefen, Naama Geva-Zatorsky, January 8, 2020 Gut Bacteria—Not for the Faint of Heart.Preview, Cell Host & Microbe
- Bhardwaj, N., &Geva-Zatorsky, N. Gut microbes as a therapeutic armory. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models.
- Geva-Zatorsky, N, Pettersson S, Elinav E. 2019. When cultures meet: the landscape of “social” interactions between the host and its indigenous microbes.
- Gefen, T., Geva-Zatorsky, N. Jun 19, 2018. What Came First: The Microbiota or the Tr(egg) Cells?Cell.
- Geva-Zatorsky, N., Sefik, E., Kua, L., Pasman, L., Guan, T., Ortiz-Lopez, A., Yanortsang, T., Yang, L., Jupp, R., Mathis, D., Benoist, C., & Kasper, D. 2017. Mining the Human Gut Microbiota for Immunomodulatory Organisms. Cell. (Journal impact factor: 28.7)
- Guan Tan T, Sefik E, Geva-Zatorsky N, Kua L, Naskar D, Teng F, Pasman L, Ortiz-Lopez A, Jupp R, Joyce W, Kasper DL, Benoist C, Mathis D. 2016. Identification of symbiont bacteria from the human gut that induce intestinal Th17 cells in mice. PNASDec 13, 2016; 113(50):E8141-E8150. (Journal impact factor: 21.6)
- Chatzidaki-Livanis, M, Geva-Zatorsky, N, Comstock, LE,.Bacteroides fragilisType VI secretion systems use novel effector and immunity proteins to antagonize human gut Bacteroidales species. PNAS Mar 29, 2016;113(13):3627-32. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1522510113. (Journal impact factor: 10.6)
- Geva-Zatorsky N*, Alvarez D*, Hudak JE, Reading NC, Erturk-Hasdemir D, Dasgupta S, von Andrian UH and Kasper DL. (2015). Metabolic Labeling of Gut Anaerobic Bacteria: A Strategy for Understanding Host–Microbiota Interactions. Nature Medicine. AOP: August 17, 2015. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nm.3929 (Journal impact factor: 4; Journal Rank: 1/123). Highlighted as News&Views by Britton and Faith, in Nat. Med. 21, 977-978, doi: 10.1038/nm.3941. Highlighted in Cell Host&Microbe, by Propheter and Hooper, October 14, 2015, 392-4. Highlighted in Hayadaan, Israeli Science magazine, Sept 6, 2015.
- Sefik E, Geva-Zatorsky N, Ortiz-Lopez A, McGuire A, Oh S, Burzyn D, Yang M, Ghosh S, Kasper D, Mathis D, Benoist C. (2015). Individual intestinal symbionts induce a distinct population of RORγ+ regulatory T cells.Science, 349(6251), 993-997. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 34.4)
- Geva-Zatorsky N, Issaeva I, Mayo A, Cohen A, Dekel E, Danon T, Cohen L, Liron Y, Alon U & Eden E. (2012). Using bleach-chase to measure protein half-lives in living cells. Nature Protocol7, 801-811. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 9.673 ; Journal Rank: 2/79, Citations: 4)
- Geva-Zatorsky N*, Dekel E*, Cohen AA, Danon T, Cohen L and Alon U. (2010). Protein Dynamics in drug combinations-a linear superposition of individual drug Responses. Cell140(5):643-651. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 32.242, of Citations: 55).
- Eden E*, Geva-Zatorsky N*, Issaeva I, Cohen AA, Dekel E, Danon T, Cohen L, Mayo, A and Alon U. (2011). Proteome half-life dynamics in living human cells. Science, 331(6018):764-8. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 34.4, of Citations: 110). This paper was selected to be highlighted in Cell, Cell leading edgeMarch 18, 2011, Volume 144(6):831-833; doi:10.1016/j.cell.2011.03.010, and in Nature MethodsFebruary 25 2011, 8, 201 doi:10.1038/nmeth0311-201. This paper was selected in the Faculty of 1000 Biology.
- Cohen AA*, Geva-Zatorsky N*, Eden E*, Frenkel-Morgenstern M, Issaeva I, Sigal A,Milo R, Cohen-Saidon C, Liron Y, Kam Z, Cohen L, Danon T, Perzov N, Alon U. (2008). Dynamic proteomics of individual cancer cells in response to a drug.Science,322(5907):1511-6. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 34.4, No. of Citations: 329).This paper was highlighted in Science, Nature, Nature Chemical Biology, Chemical Research in Toxicology, Chemical & Eng. News, Journal of Proteome Research and ACS Chemical Biology Spotlight (2008).The company Ensof Biosciences in Enlight Biosciences continues our work by commercializing the dynamic proteomics platform.
- Geva-Zatorsky N, Dekel E, Batchelor E, Lahav G and Alon U.(2010).Fourier Analysis and systems identification of the p53 Feedback Loop.PNAS, 107(30):13550-5. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 10.58, of Citations: 60)
- Geva-Zatorsky N*, Rosenfeld N*, Itzkovitz S, Milo R, Sigal A, Dekel E, Yarnitzky T, Liron Y, Polak P, Lahav G, Alon U. (2006). Oscillations and variability in the p53 system. Mol Syst Biol,2:2006.0033. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 14.099, Journal rank: 7/291, No. of Citations: 397). This paper was highlighted in Mol Syst Biol. 2: 2006.0032. This work was highlighted in the book “Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Collaborative Research and Resources” by Frederick Marcus. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg publishing group, 2008. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-78353-4. Our work was included in three chapters of this book: “System Biology”, “Cancer” and ”Outstanding Results and Conclusions”.
- Farkash-Amar S, Zimmer A, Eden E, Cohen A, Geva-Zatorsky N, Cohen L, Milo R, Sigal A, Danon T, Alon U. (2014). Noise genetics: inferring protein function by correlating phenotype with protein levels and localization in individual human cells.PLoS Genet.10(3):e1004176. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 8.167, Citations: 4)
- Farkash-Amar S, Eden E, Cohen A, Geva-Zatorsky N, Cohen L, Milo R, Sigal A, Danon T, Alon U. (2012) Dynamic proteomics of human protein level and localization across the cell cycle. PLoS ONE.7(11):e48722. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048722. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 3.534, Citations: 6).
- Frenkel-Morgenstern M, Cohen AA, Geva-Zatorsky N, Eden E, Prilusky J, Issaeva I, Sigal A, Cohen-Saidon C, Liron Y, Cohen L, Danon T, Perzov N, Alon U.(2010). Dynamic Proteomics: a database for dynamics and localizations of endogenous fluorescently-tagged proteins in living human cells.Nucleic Acids Res.38(Database issue):D508-12. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkp808. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 9.112, Citations: 14)
- Cohen AA*, Kalisky T*, Mayo A*, Geva-Zatorsky N, Danon T, Issaeva I, Kopito R, Perzov N, Milo R, Sigal A and Alon U. (2008) Protein Dynamics in Individual Human Cells: Experiment and Theory, PLoS ONE, 08-PONE-RA-07767. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 3.534, Citations: 39).
- Sigal A*, Milo R*, Cohen A*, Geva-Zatorsky N, Klein Y, Liron Y, Rosenfeld N, Danon T, Perzov N, Alon U.(2006). Variability and memory of protein levels in human cells, Nature, 30;444(7119):643-6. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor:42.456, Journal Rank: 1/56, Citations: 332).This paper was highlighted as news & views in Nature 444, 561 – 562 (2006)
- Sigal A*, Milo R*, Cohen A, Geva-Zatorsky N, Klein Y, Alaluf I, Swerdlin N, Perzov N, Danon T, Liron Y, Raveh T, Carpenter AE, Lahav G, Alon U.(2006). Dynamic proteomics in individual human cells uncovers widespread cell-cycle dependence of nuclear proteins. Nat Methods,3(7):525-31.( 2013/2014 Journal impact factor:32.072, Journal Rank:1/79, Citations: 99)
- Sigal A, Danon T, Cohen A, Milo R, Geva-Zatorsky N, Lustig G, Liron Y, Alon U, Perzov N. (2007). Generation of a fluorescently labeled endogenous protein library in living human cells.Nat Protoc. 2(6):1515-27. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 9.673, Journal Rank: 2/79, Citations: 45).
- Lahav G, Rosenfeld N, Sigal A, Geva-Zatorsky N, Levine AJ, Elowitz MB, Alon U.( 2004). Dynamics of the p53-Mdm2 feedback loop in individual cells, Nat Genet, 36(2):147-50. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor: 29.352, Journal Rank: 2/167, Citations: 694). This paper was highlighted as news & views in Nature Genetics 36, 113 – 114 (2004)
- Wang X*, Taplick J*, Geva N, Oren M. (2004). Inhibition of p53 degradation by Mdm2 acetylation. FEBS Lett. 561(1-3):195-201. (2013/2014 Journal impact factor:4.001, Citations: 102).
- Liron Y, Paran Y, Zatorsky NG, Geiger B, Kam Z. (2006). Laser autofocusing system for high-resolution cell biological imaging. J Microsc.221(Pt 2):145-51. (Journal impact factor: 2.15, Citations: 46) * These authors contributed equally to this work
Complete LOP: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=geva-zatorsky+n%5Bau%5D