Dikla Agur Cohen


2003      M.D; Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

2008        Family Medicine Board certification, Israeli Medical Association


2019      Clinical educator-lecturer, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel


Since 2020    Deputy head of The Department of Family Medicine, Clalit Health Services, Haifa and western Galilee district, Israel

Since 2020    Head of Health a Communication Program for medical staff development, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel

9-10/2017    Medical Education Fellowship, Miriam Hospital, Brown University, Providence, USA

Since 2016    Staff development coordinator, The Department of Family Medicine, Clalit Health Services,

Since 2016    Head of “Yoqneam Emek Hashalom”, Health care center, Clalit Health Services



2019      Teaching communication skills, workshop for medical faculty members

2019      “Capsula” course tutoring, undergraduates, 4th year students

2018-19 “Shlishi Clini” course- Lifestyle modification, undergraduates, 2nd year students, Design, Supervision coordination and teaching

Since 2014 Various courses in the Division of Continuing Education and External Studies, Technion, Haifa, Israel, Postgraduate students, design, and teaching: Medical Education skills course, Lifestyle modification course, Clinical skills of frequent diseases, Pediatrics medicine and more


2019             Teaching communication skills, workshop for medical faculty members, Technion

Since 2018    “Capsula” course tutoring, undergraduates, 4th-6th year students

Since 2018    Examiner, Medical school candidates, “MOR” institute Exams

2018-19        Developer and Coordinator of a yearly course for undergraduate students in lifestyle

Jan 2018        Workshop Coordinator, for faculty members Building Communication Skills Curriculum for Teaching Medical Students directed by Prof. Johnathan Silverman (Cambridge, UK).


2019/13  Award – outstanding lecturer, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, The Technion

2017      ASSET (Action plan on Science in Society) Award for General Practitioners who are promoting immunizations in their community


  1. Refereed papers in professional journals
    1. Sudarsky M, Cohen DA, Teaching Cognitive Behavioral Strategies to General Practitioners through Self-Experience; J Fam Med. 2019; 6(5): 1180
    2. Cohen DALevy MCohen Castel OKarkabi K; The influence of a professional physician network on clinical decision making; Patient Educ Couns. Dec;93(3):496-503. 2013
  • Agur Cohen D, Ivzori Erel A, Guter. A, Karkabi K; Educating for tolerance in a conflict-ridden political environment, Med Educ. May; 50(5): 564–565. 2016